Showing posts with label Flour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flour. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11

Breakfast Chocolate Chunks Muffins..

Chocolate Chunks Muffins.. Muffins are very versatile you can keep on changing or adding the ingredients and they taste better every time. I have never baked the muffins by following the same recipe I keep the measurement same and change the ingredients each time I bake. Last week I bought a pack of chocolate chunks cookies from pound land and from there only I got this name idea and I wanted to add the cookies also in the muffins but unfortunately they were no cookies left, then I decided to save that recipe for one more day and just do with chocolate and cinnamon... I have added the dairymilk chocolate but I felt it was better if I would have added some other chocolate. No problem I will leave it to you all to choose from your favourite chocolate and enjoy this muffins for breakfast.

Preparation time: 10 minutes 
Baking time: 20 minutes 
Serving: 9 medium cupcakes.

1/2cups all-purpose flour
1/6 cup cocoa powder 
1tsp baking powder
1/4 cup chocolate chunks
1/4tsp cinnamon powder 
1/3 cup milk
1tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup white sugar
1egg, room temperature.

Baking Method.
Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line 9 cup muffin pans with paper baking cups.
Stir together the flour, baking powder, coco powder and cinnamon in a large bowl, set it aside.
Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Add the egg and beat for another 1minute.
Add the dry ingredients and just mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine. Add chocolate chunks and make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.

Scoop the batter into your lined cupcake tin, make sure it's only filled ¾ of the way up because they will rise. Bake for 18-20 minutes and let cool before serving.
Serve with whipped cream or just like that.

Thursday, October 31

Choba Ki Poori..(Diwali Snacks)

Choba Ki Poori.. You can call them as a (Big Gujia). choba ki poori method is same as gujia but without khova and they are big in size. This is muslim family recipe, they cook this on special occasions like marriage. From a bride side they have to cook this and send it to the grooms house before the day of marriage.. There are many other occasions we cook this if I start then I don't think one post will be enough to tell every thing.

This is my Husband's first Diwali away from home and I don't want him to miss anything because of that only I'm trying my best to make him not to miss anything. I cook gujia very often as he loves to eat them , but this time I wanted to try out something new for him so I thought of this recipe and it turn out to be tasty and he loved it. This is not the only thing, I have lots of plans and many dishes to cook. Hoping for the best :-)

Happy Diwali to my all blog readers and to my friends. May god bless you all with lots of happiness and many more years like this with your family and friends :-)

Ingredient's For Filling.
100gm dry coconut
1+1/2 sugar
1/4cup dry fruits (almonds, raisin, pistachio and cashew)

Ingredient's For Poori.
2 cups of maida
2tbsp ghee/oil
Water (to make a dough)
Oil for deep frying.

Cooking Method For Filling.
Grate the dry coconut.
Chop the almonds, cashew and pistachio into vertical small pieces.
In a vessel, add sugar, grated coconut and all the dry fruits. Give them a nice mix and set it aside. 
Filling is ready.

Cooking Method For Poori's.
Mix maida and ghee. 
Now add water and make dough.
Take small amount of dough and make a small chapatti, put the filling, apply water to the corners of chapatti and fold it giving a semi- circular shape. Press the corners of the puri with your nails.
In a deep frying pan heat oil, and deep fry the pooris to golden brown. Take out on to a paper towel.
Choba Poori is ready to serve.
Store them into Airtight container for more then a week..

Thursday, October 17

Chicken Bezule.. (Mangalorean Street Food)

Chicken Bezule..Chicken bezule is a popular appetizer which is sold in the streets of Mangalore. These are perfect little bites fit for a cocktail party or even as a snack... I adopted this recipe from Vah Chef, I really like watch his videos on youtube, not because he cooks good, I like the way he eats after finishing his cooking, that makes my mouthwatering... I watch his videos quite often and never try any of them, but this chicken bezule video tempted me so much that I tried it immediately. It was tasting like the same chicken which I had in mangalore long back... This is one of the best chicken starter to serve on a rainy day or even when you have guest at home. Make this street food at home by adding your love and serve...

1/2kg chicken (bite size pieces)
1tsp ginger garlic paste 
1tbsp lemon juice 
1tsp curd 
1tsp chilli powder , 1/2 tsp cumin powder, 1/2tsp coriander powder, pinch of turmeric
2 strands finely chopped curry leaves 
2 finely chopped green chilli
pinch of red food colour 
2tsp all purpose flour (maida)
1tsp corn flour 
Oil for deep frying.

Cooking Method.
Combine all the above ingredient's and Marinate for 2 to 3hours 
Heat oil in a deep frying pan and Fry the chicken pieces to crispy. Do not over crowd the pan. fry in a lesser quantity.
Then in the same oil deep fry few curry leaves and strain excess oil and sprinkle over the chicken..
Serve hot with sauce of your choice..

Monday, October 7

Potato & Ajwain Stuffed Paratha.. (Potato & Carom Seeds Stuffed Indian Flat-Bread)

Potato & Ajwain Stuffed Paratha.. Parathas are whole-wheat Indian flatbread. This can be made plain or stuffed with many different fillings.. Potato is one of the commonly used ingredients and cooked very often in every Indian house.. Even I cook stuffed parartha 4 to 5 times in a month by using different filling. Stuffed paratha in it self is the full meal, just have to serve with curd and pickle..

2 cup whole wheat flour
2 potato boiled and smash
1tsp ajwain (carom seeds)
1/4tsp red chilli powder, 1/4tsp turmeric, 1/4tsp coriander powder
1 green chilli (finely chopped)
5 to 6 curry leaves (finely chopped)
Salt to taste.

Cooking Method.
Prepare the dough using wheat flour and set it aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add all the above ingredients and mix them nicely and make a small lemon size balls and set it aside. Make 1 small size of roti and fill the stuffing and close it gently.

Roll it over on to a flat surface to make a round shape paratha, by using little dry flour. 
Put paratha on to a pre heated tava and cook both the side using oil. Potato and Ajwain stuffed paratha is read to eat.
Serve hot with curd and pickle..

Monday, September 30

Banana & Dry Fruits Bread...

Banana & Dry Fruits Bread... Banana is a fruit which I can never say no and can eat as many as I can in a day. Most of the time I add banana in my baking and it always gives me best results. First I was thinking will just bake banana bread, then I ended up adding dry fruits because it is very healthy. I think adding banana to cake, bread or muffins is one of the best choice and it gives a very soft and fluffy texture. This bread can be served in Breakfast and in Tea time also. One of the best bread I have bake till now...

Prep time: 10 minutes
Baking time: 50 to 55 minutes
Yield: One loaf.

3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup mix dry fruits
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour.

Baking Method.
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Whisk in the butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking powder and salt over the mixture and mix.

Now add the flour, dry fruits and mix it nicely. Pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan. Sprinkle some chopped almond from top and Bake for 55 minutes (mine was done in 50 minutes). Cool on a rack.
Remove from pan and slice to serve.

Thursday, September 26

Baby Corn Pizza.. (Home-made Pizza)

Baby Corn Pizza.. I had made this pizza for my friends on Monday, they liked it so much and we finished the large pizza in just 5 to 10 minutes. We three were eating like as if we have not eaten pizza for ages. The best part was, one of my friend was not at all allowing me to take the pictures also. I have hardly taken 4 to 5 pictures only. The moment I finished taking pics, she was the first one to jump on it and by seeing her I din't even bother to look at the pics and started eating... Some how the pizza also had come out very very tasty and awesome looking... Making pizza at home is so easy if you have pizza sauce ready and I always make pizza sauce and keep it. So when ever we feel like eating then I just make it. Making pizza at home is healthier then store bought... I want to suggest everyone start baking pizza at home and you'll really enjoy..

Ingredients For The Pizza Base
Makes 1 Large Pizza Base
1/2 cup warm water (100 degrees to 110 degrees)
3tbsp warm milk
1/4 tsp sugar 
1+1/8 tsp active dry yeast
1+1/2cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1/4 tsp salt
2tbsp oil, plus more for bowl.

Ingredient's For The Topping.
Pizza Sauce ( recipe follows)
10 black olives (cut into circles)
1/2cup baby corn, 1 large tomato, 1 medium onion, (thinly sliced)
12 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese, (grated).

Ingredients For The Pizza Sauce
Make For 2 Large Pizza
2 tsp oil 
6 large tomato's
3tbsp tomato puree
1tbsp chopped ginger and garlic
3/4 tsp Italian seasoning
3/4 tsp dried oregano 
1 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper.

Directions For The Pizza Base
Pour warm water and milk into a small bowl. Add sugar, and sprinkle in yeast. Using a fork, stir the mixture until yeast is dissolved and water has turned a tan color. Let yeast stand until foamy, about 10 minutes. In a large mixing bowl, add flour and salt. Then add yeast mixture and oil. Mix until the dough comes together, adding more flour as needed until dough is smooth, not tacky, when squeezed. Transfer to clean surface; knead for 5 to 10 minutes.

Brush the inside of a medium bowl with oil, and place the dough in the bowl, smooth side up. Cover tightly with plastic wrap, and place in a warm spot until doubled in size, about 1hour. Remove plastic wrap, and press your fist into the center of the dough to punch it down. Fold the dough back onto itself four or five times. Turn dough over, folded-side down, cover with plastic wrap, and return to the warm spot to rise again until the dough has doubled in size, about 30 minutes.

Punch down the dough, and transfer to a clean surface. Knead the dough four or five turns into a ball. Lightly flour a clean surface, place the dough pat into a flattened circle, cover lightly with plastic wrap, and let rest 5 minutes. Using your fingers, begin to flatten and push the dough evenly out from the center until it measures about 7 to 8 inches in diameter. Do not press the dough all the way to the edges. Leave a slightly raised border, about a half-inch wide, around entire circumference of pizza dough.

In a mean time pre-heat the oven for 20 minutes at 250c. 
Arrange the pizza dough into a circle on top of the baking flat tray. Leaving the raised edge uncovered, pour 8 to 9 tsp of the pizza sauce onto the dough. Using the back of a tablespoon, evenly spread the sauce leaving a half-inch border of dough uncovered. Arrange half of the mozzarella slices on top of the sauce and arrange all the veggie's on top, then cover with left over mozzarella slices.

Bake until the crust is golden brown and crisp on the edges and the bottom, 7 to 8 minutes, turning the pizza halfway through baking. Using a pizza wheel, slice the pizza into eight pieces, and serve immediately.

Directions For The Pizza Sauce
Pour oil into a large skillet, and place over medium heat. Using your hands, squeeze tomatoes to crush them. Add to the warm oil, along with the remaining ingredients. Cook over medium-low heat, breaking up tomatoes with a wooden spoon, until the sauce is thick, 40 to 50 minutes. Allow it to cool and grind it to a smooth paste...
Sauce is ready to use, after using the sauce to pizza you can store the remaining sauce in a fridge for the next time use..

Monday, September 23

Gravy Gobi Manchurian.. (Restaurant Style)

Gravy Gobi Manchurian.. Gobi Manchurian is something which nobody will say no for it. It is same case with me and my hubby. Back in India we use to eat every weekend Gobi Manchurian and when ever we use to go to our favourite Chinese restaurant (Mainland China) I use to always make it point to order Gobi Manchurian and chicken momos. I'm yet to try Chinese restaurant here in UK because I'm not suppose to eat out side Chinese for couple of months. I love Chinese food in a restaurant then eating at home but I'm not allowed to eat, so only I cooked Gobi Manchurian and Hakka Noodles at home for our last to last friday's dinner, as usual it was very very delicious. :)

Cauliflower - 1 Medium sized cut into florets.

For the batter.
4tbsp Cornflour
1/2cup Maida
1 tsp Ginger garlic paste
1tsp Soya sauce
1tsp tomato chilli sauce
Salt - to taste.

Ingredient's For the Manchurian Gravy.
1/4cup spring onions, finely chopped 
1 onion roughly chopped
1/2 capsicum (cut into cubes) 
1 1/2tbsp finely minced garlic 
1/2tbsp finely minced ginger 
2 finely chopped green chillis 
1tbsp cornflour 
2 tsps soya sauce, 1/2 tbsp chilli sauce 
2 tbsps tomato sauce 
Oil and Salt as required.

Cooking Method.
Mix all the above ingredients listed under 'for the batter' with little water to form a thick paste. wash the cauliflower and drain water and keep aside.
Heat a oil in a deep frying pan and dip the cauliflower into the batter and fry to golden brown. Do not crowd the vessel. Increase the flame towards the end of the cooking process and fry till they turn golden brown. Remove onto absorbent paper and keep aside.

Cooking Method For Sauce 
Mix cornflour in a little water. Keep aside. 
In a deep wok, add oil, when the oil is hot add garlic and ginger, fry them to golden brown. 
Then add onion and green chilli and fry for 1 to 2 minutes. Now add soya sauce, tomato sauce, chilli sauce, capsicum and salt. cook them for few minutes on a high flame, then add fried cauliflower and cornflour mixture and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on low flame. 
Garnish with spring onion and Serve hot.

Friday, September 20

Khaja.. (Sweet Pastry)

Khaja ... Khaja is called Pheni in oriya, this is an Oriya sweet made from maida or wheat flour, sugar and oil. It is made and eaten all throughout Indian subcontinent, though it is known by different names. It is prepared in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka etc...

I wanted to try this at home from a long time but use to fell bore for the long process, actually after cooking this I really felt it is a very easy and can be done in 30 to 35 minutes. I use to eat this alot in my childhood days but my mom use to not allow me to eat from out side. So when ever my mom use to go to my aunt's place I and my brother use to run to the shop buy and finish it there only before even anyone see us.. Those days use to be the wonderful days eating out and not telling anyone...

Ingredient's For the Pastry. 
1 cup all purpose flour
2tsp hot oil
Oil for deep frying
2tbsp butter or ghee (to apply on pastry)

Ingredient's For the Sugar Syrup
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water for syrup.

Cooking Method
In a large mixing bowl add flour and oil mix it well, then slowly add water to make stiff dough.
Knead it for 10-15 minutes or until it’s smooth and set aside for 5 to 10 minutes.
Roll the entire dough into a big rectangle and then spread the ghee or butter smoothly over the rolled dough.
Then roll the dough into a big rope, cut into 1′ size pieces. Take each piece and roll it again into 5-6′ size khaja.

Heat oil in a deep fry pan, medium-high first. Then turn the flame to medium-low once oil is hot.
Fry the khajas until it turns golden brown annd take out on a paper towel.
Then make sugar syrup (as you make for gulab jamun). Switch off the heat when syrup feels slightly sticky. When the sugar syrup is still hot dip the khaja one at a time and take it out on a wire rack.
Allow the Khaja to cool completely before serving..

Tuesday, September 17

Breakfast Walnut Muffins..

Walnut Muffins!!! After getting my hand set on oven I just feeling like keep baking and baking.. I have tried many recipes in last 1 week which I will be posting it soon.. I'm trying to bake everything in a less quantity so that I get a change to bake more and was thinking that this muffins will go for 2days till then will think of some other recipes, but it just got over in a day.... Now again i'm in a same thinking processes:) Adding walnut to muffins or a cakes I just love it, they taste so good feels like having more then one.. Try these tasty muffins for breakfast with a hot cup of coffee or tea..

Yeilds: 8 to 9 medium Muffins
Preparation time: 10minutes
Baking time: 20 minutes.

1/2+1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup butter
1tsp vanilla essence
1tsp baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts.

Baking Method.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line muffins tin with liners and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together the flour and baking powder, set aside. 
In a another mixing bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Add the eggs, vanilla and cream together until you get a smooth mixture.
Add the dry ingredients and walnuts, mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine. DO NOT OVERMIX! 
Make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.

Scoop the batter into your lined muffins tin, make sure it's only filled ¾ of the way up because they will rise.
Then sprinkle some more walnut from top and Bake for 20 minutes and let cool for sometime.
Serve for Breakfast with your favourite drinks..

Wednesday, September 11

Lemon Zest And Vanilla Muffins..

Lemon Zest And Vanilla Muffins...I baked this muffins on Monday just to get my hands on oven, because I have been always using OTG not oven and I was very scared to try also it took me a long time to start baking here... I have baked this muffins many times but I have not got the result as this muffins gave me, evenly raise and perfect colour. Now I know why people prefer Oven then OTG. I have made myself very clear once I go back to India (i don't know when will that happen) I'm going to buy a oven first... I started enjoying my baking again and very happy with results...

Yeilds: 8 to 9 medium Muffins
Preparation time: 10minutes
Baking time: 20 minutes.

1/2+1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup butter
1/3cup sugar 
1tsp vanilla essence
1tsp baking powder
1/3 cup milk
1tsp lemon zest

Baking Method.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line your cupcake tin with liners and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together the flour, lemon zest and baking powder, set aside. 
In a mixing bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Add the eggs, vanilla and cream together until you get a smooth mixture.

Add the dry ingredients and with the speed on low mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine. DO NOT OVERMIX! Make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.
Scoop the batter into your lined cupcake tin, make sure it's only filled ¾ of the way up because they will rise. Bake for 20 minutes and let cool for sometime.

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