Showing posts with label Flour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flour. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10

Stuffed Pav Buns.. (Stuffed Dinner Rolls)

Stuffed Pav Buns!! After Getting the gloripan yeast my baking has become so easy and perfect. I'm very happy because even i can bake a perfect buns and breads. When ever i use to see people baking delicious looking bread, I use to always feel why i'm not able to bake and literally i use to cry, after seeing my bread which is not baked properly. Thanks to my hubby for supporting me and making me to try baking after every time of disaster and he tells me every time one word, "The more you try, the perfect you become" but now i'm very happy for myself :) 

1+1/2 cup all purpose flour
1+1/8 tsp dry active yeast
1/8 cup luke warm water
1/2+1/8 cup milk
1+1/2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp sugar
1/4+1/8 tsp salt.

For Suffing
1/2cup boiled green peas
2 medium boiled potato (smashed)
1 medium onion, 1 green chilli (finley chopped)
1/2tsp turmeric
1/2tsp cumin
1tbsp oil
Salt to taste.

Cooking Method For Stuffing
In a deep frying pan, add oil, when oil is hot add cumin, onion green chilli, fry to golden brown.
Then add turmeric, potato, green peas and salt. Mix it well then cook for 1 to 2minutes.
Then cool it and keep it aside.

Baking Method
Warm the milk to lukewarm (not hot) and add the butter to it so that it melts in the milk. Set aside. Mix yeast and water together along with sugar. Give it a stir and set aside until frothy.
Now add the salt and milk+butter mixture to the yeast and stir well. Slowly add the flour to this mixture until slowly incorporated.
It will slightly sticky - dont add in more flour until really necessary. The stickiness will be replaced by smooth elasticity while kneading. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough very well, it will take about 8-15 minutes!!!!
Place the dough on a lightly oiled bowl and cover it with a damp towel.
Place it aside in a humid place until doubled.
Turn out this dough on a floured surface and roll it out into a square.
Using a knife cut it into 9 pieces. Place the potato stuffing in center.
Roll each piece out in your palm to form a rounded shape. Place them side by side on a square baking tin (or as the shape baking tin you want). Place them aside once again to double. Its fine if they don't look perfectly round.

They will take a beautiful shape once they double again. They will also stick to each other once doubled giving that great square shape. Brush them with milk on top.
Now bake them in a pre heated 180c oven for 20-25 min or until golden brown.
Cool them for few minutes before serving them.

Monday, March 4

Knot Dinner Rolls.. (Egg-less)

Knot Dinner Rolls. This was my very long time dream to bake knot dinner rolls, thought the knot din't come out so well, but still i tried my best to make them look good. These rolls were superb soft and yummy looking. I have added oil instead of butter. Earlier i had tried the dinner rolls by adding butter, they were soft but not that soft. Few days back i had tried baking with oil instead of butter and they were so soft, from there i have decided not to add butter to bread until your recipe requires... After getting the right yeast, i really enjoy baking bread and i have stopped buying bread from out. I bake lots of bread but some time i feel bore to click the picture. From now on I have told to myself what ever I bake, should take the pic and share with all my blog friends.. Do try this recipe:)
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Baking time: 15 minutes
fermenting time: 2 hours

1/2 tbsp dry active yeast
1/2 cup warm milk
1/2 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1+1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1+1/4 cup all purpose flour
2tbsp vegetable oil
1/2tsp salt
2tbsp warm water (if required)
3tbsp milk (for brushing on top)

Baking Method
In a small bowl, dissolve sugar in a warm water and milk, then add yeast. Let stand until foamy, about 10 minutes. 
In a large bowl, combine the salt, flour and oil, stir well to combine. Then add yeast mixture and make a dough . When has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10minutes. Place in a oil greased bowl. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 to 2 hour.

Punch down dough and divide into two, divide each portion into 8 to 9 roll. Roll the pieces into 9 inch ropes and tie into knots. Place the rolls 2 inches apart on greased baking tray. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Then apply the milk on top and 
Bake in preheated oven) for 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from oven and brush with melted butter.
Serve warm.

Wednesday, February 13

Valentine's Day Special.. Double Chocolate Muffins!!!

Last Valentine's day my hubby had surprised me with a very beautiful gift, but this time i will surprise him by baking his favorite muffins and buying him a gift, which actually i have still not decided, will finish deciding it by tonight for gift. I wanted to bake something with strawberry for valentines day and chocolate for my birthday which is on 17th feb. Thinking that i went to buy strawberry in the morning and bought only 1pack and they were so beautiful and tempting i couldn't not control myself and i finished it all except 2 strawberry, which i have decorated my chocolate muffins... This is the best gift i can give to my hubby and i'm very excited to see his reaction.. Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends :)

1 cup all-purpose flour 
6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 
2 teaspoons baking powder 
2 eggs 
1 large banana 
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup choco chips 
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 
1tbsp choco chips (for sprinkling on top)
1/2 cup milk 
2/3 cup (150 g) butter (room temperature)

Baking Method 
Preheat oven to 350 deg F (180 deg C). 
Grease muffin tins (paper muffin bake cups are recommended) or 12-15 medium cups. 
In a bowl mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and choco chips together and keep it aside 
In a different bowl beat the butter with sugar till fluffy, then add eggs and banana. beat for 1minute. Now add vanilla and milk. beat for another 1 minute. Then fold in the flour mixture and mix it nicely. 

Then pour the mixture into a grease muffin tins and sprinkle choco chips on top. Bake at 180c, or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean, about 30 minutes for XL muffins, about 20 minutes for medium size muffins. Make a little cream roses and decorate with strawberry. The Chocolate Muffins may be served hot or at room temperature.

Sunday, February 10

Buttery Dinner Rolls..

Buttery Dinner Rolls. Every time when i use to see this rolls in others blogs, i use to always think that when will i be baking this rolls. After buying gloripan yeast, i really feel that i'm in heaven. Now my baking has become so so easy and better i have no words to say. When ever i bake i have a big smile on my face after seeing the result... All thanks to my loving husband for searching this awesome and perfect yeast for me and making me proud of my cooking skills. Actually i was planning to bake square rolls but i was having a small square baking tin only, so i decide to bake in round baking tin. You can choose the tin shape of your choice..

1+1/2 cup all purpose flour
1+1/8 tsp dry active yeast
1/8 cup luke warm water
1/2+1/8 cup milk
1+1/2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp sugar
1/4+1/8 tsp salt.

Baking Method
Warm the milk to lukewarm (not hot) and add the butter to it so that it melts in the milk. Set aside. Mix yeast and water together along with sugar. Give it a stir and set aside until frothy.
Now add the salt and milk+butter mixture to the yeast and stir well. Slowly add the flour to this mixture until slowly incorporated.
It will slightly sticky - dont add in more flour until really necessary. The stickiness will be replaced by smooth elasticity while kneading. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough very well, it will take about 8-15 minutes!!!!
Place the dough on a lightly oiled bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap. (or damp towel).
Place it aside in a humid place until doubled.
Turn out this dough on a floured surface and roll it out into a square.
Using a knife cut it into 6 pieces.

Roll each piece out in your palm to form a rounded shape. Place them side by side on a baking round cake tin (or as the shape baking tin you want). Place them aside once again to double. Its fine if they dont look perfectly round.
They will take a beautiful shape once they double again. They will also stick to each other once doubled giving that great roll shape.
Now bake them in a pre heated 180c oven for 20-25 min or until golden brown.
Cool them for few minutes before serving them.

Monday, February 4

Chocolate & Cinnamon Bread Rolls!!!

Chocolate and Cinnamon Rolls. This is my new innovations and it was very good try, i was very happy with the result, and it was looking beautiful and soft. Actually i have used less sugar and less chocolate to have it with honey, i felt this was tasting good with less sugar as it less in calories. Next time i really want to try with little more sugar and chocolate to see how it taste.. I served this for next day breakfast it was just tasting very yummy.. Here is the recipe.

Preparation time- 2h 40minutes
Baking time- 30 to 35minutes

For the dough
1/2cup Warm milk
1tsp Sugar
1tsp Active dry yeast(I used Gloripan Yeast)
1 1/2cup All purpose flour
1tbsp Butter(soft at room temperature)
2tbsp Milk + a couple of tbsp to brush over the bread.

For the filling
1/2 cup grated chocolate or Choco chip
1tsp cinnamon powder.

Baking Method
In a small bowl, dissolve the sugar and the yeast in the 1/2 cup of warm milk. Keep aside for about 5 minutes till the yeast mixture bubbles up.
Put flour and softened butter in a large bowl mix.
Then add the yeast mixture and the 2tbsp of milk and knead till you have a soft, smooth and elastic/ pliable dough which is not sticky. Add a little extra flour if your dough is sticking, but only just as much as is necessary.
Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a well-oiled bowl, turning the dough to coat it completely with oil. Cover and let it rise for about 1 1/2 hours or until almost double in volume.
Dust your work surface lightly with flour. Deflate the dough, shape it into a square and roll the dough out into a larger square that is about 12’ by 12”. Brush the surface of the square with the melted butter. Evenly sprinkle the chocolate and cinnamon powder.
Then fold the dough slowly from top to end.

Using a sharp knife, cut straight down through the folded dough dividing it into 10 equal pieces (10 round stacks).
Grease and lightly flour the round cake tin. And arrange the rolls in a tin, leaving some space in between.
Cover the cake tin rolls with a towel and allow them to rise for an hour. Lightly brush some milk over the top and sprinkle some sugar from top.
Bake the dough at 180C (350F) for about 30 to 35 minutes. Until it is done and the top is golden brown.
Chocolate and Cinnamon Rolls are ready. Serve as you like.

Tuesday, January 29

Pull-Apart Bread With Spicy Herbs And Pizza Sauce!!!

Pull-Apart Bread. Last week i was seeing this bread post in almost every blog, and i was very tempted to bake this bread. When ever i bake i have problem with yeast and which ever brand i buy. Actually i knew that gloripan yeast is good, i had read lot's of review about gloripan yeast, but i was not sure where do we get it. Then i started searching on net to buy Gloripan yeast near by my house, i got one in mission road which is pretty far from my house, and i asked my hubby should i go, as always he said will go on weekends and it is very sunny outside. Even i thought the same and kept quite for some time but my heart din't agree with me, without telling him i just took my bike and went searching the address. GUESS WHAT!!! I got the address and i rush to shop and bought the yeast.. After coming back home i started preparing to bake fast fast and finely my bread came out so yummy and perfect.. He also love it.

I should thank to Divya Kudua from EasyCooking for her very useful post and step by step pictures which made my work easy. I have followed her same steps but different ingredient's, This was my first attempt to bake bread a perfect bread and i'm very happy with the way bread was looking and tasting.. Thanks everybody for baking so many different types of Pull-Apart Bread and making me to start baking.. I'm sending this recipe to We Knead To Bake#1 event hosted by Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen.

For the dough
1/2cup Warm milk
1/2tsp Sugar
1tsp Active dry yeast(I used Gloripan Yeast)
1 1/2cup All purpose flour
1/2tsp Salt
1tbsp Butter(soft at room temperature)
1tsp Ginger Garlic Paste
2tbsp Milk + a couple of tbsp to brush over the bread

For the filling
2tsp Melted butter 
1tbsp Mixed Italian herbs
1/2tsp Chilli flakes
2tbsp Grated Mozzarella cheese
1tbsp Pizza Sauce
1/2tsp Black Sesame Seeds.

Baking Method
In a small bowl, dissolve the sugar and the yeast in the 1/2 cup of warm milk. Keep aside for about 5 minutes till the yeast mixture bubbles up.
Put flour, salt, softened butter, and ginger garlic paste in a large bowl mix.
Then add the yeast mixture and the 2tbsp of milk and knead till you have a soft, smooth and elastic/ pliable dough which is not sticky. Add a little extra flour if your dough is sticking, but only just as much as is necessary.
Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a well-oiled bowl, turning the dough to coat it completely with oil. Cover and let it rise for about 1 1/2 hours or until almost double in volume.
Dust your work surface lightly with flour. Deflate the dough, shape it into a square and roll the dough out into a larger square that is about 12’ by 12”. Brush the surface of the square with the melted butter. Evenly sprinkle the herbs, chilli flakes, pizza sauce and then the grated cheese.

Use a rolling pin to very lightly press the topping into the dough to ensure the topping doesn’t fall off when you are stacking the strips.Using a pizza cutter, slice the dough from top to bottom into 6 long and even strips. Lay each strip on top of the next, with the topping facing upwards, until you have a stack of the strips.
Using a sharp knife, cut straight down through the stack dividing it into 6 equal pieces (6 square stacks).
Grease and lightly flour a loaf tin. Layer the square slices, cut sides down into the loaf tin.
Cover the loaf tin dough with a towel and allow the dough to rise for an hour. Lightly brush some milk over the top of the loaf and sprinkle the black sesame seeds from top.
Bake the dough at 180C (350F) for about 30 to 40 minutes until it is done and the top is golden brown.
Pull-Apart Bread is ready. Serve Warm.

Sunday, December 23

Merry Christmas!!!! Eggless Mini Bundt Cake.

It's Christmas time again. Merry Christmas to all my blogger friends and readers. Do lots of shopping, cooking and enjoy your holidays... I have made this bundt as i had made the pound cake with little bit of change in ingredient's.. And this bundt also had come out very spongy, this year i'm doing lots of baking, there are many more recipes yet to come, u'll all see it very soon :)

1+1/2cups all purpose flour
1/2cup butter, room temperature
1/2cups sugar
1cup plain yogurt
1/4cup milk
1tsp vanilla extract
1tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
4tbsp dried black grapes and raisin.

For the icing
2tbsp icing sugar
1/2tbsp warm water.

Baking Method
Preheat oven at 350F/180C for 10minutes. Grease and flour the mini bundt cake tin.
In a small bowl blend together the, milk, yogurt and vanilla extract.
In another small bowl sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, set aside.
Cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl until it’s light and fluffy. To this mixture, add the liquid ingredients in 3 additions, beating well after each addition.
Now combine the dry ingredients and blend well. Stir in the black grapes.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. I made 6 mini bundt cake from this batter.
Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack. You will be able to remove the cake from the pan in about 10-15 minutes. Keep the cake on the wire rack and let it cool completely.
After the cake completely cooled pour the icing on it..

Tuesday, December 18

Eggless Pound Cake!!! To celebrate Christmas

Pound cake refers to a type of cake traditionally made with a pound of each of four ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. This is the way to make a perfect pound cake, but i have not used egg in my pound cake so i don't call it a perfect pound cake. Many people don't prefer egg in their cakes, it is the same case with my hubby also. What ever i bake i keep in my mind to use very less eggs in it. Last night i was just going through some websites there this recipe caught my eyes and i have changed the many ingredient's, but still the result was awesome. The cake was very soft and good to taste... So friends do try this recipe and let know :)

1+1/2cups all purpose flour
1/2cup butter, room temperature
1/2cups sugar
1cup plain yogurt
1/4cup milk
1tsp vanilla extract
1tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
1/4tsp salt
4tbsp dried black grapes.

Baking Method
Preheat oven at 350F/180C for 10minutes. Grease and flour the mini bread loaf tin.
In a small bowl blend together the, milk, yogurt and vanilla extract.
In another small bowl sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
Cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl until it’s light and fluffy. It will take about 5 minutes. To this mixture, add the liquid ingredients in 3 additions, beating well after each addition.
Now combine the dry ingredients and blend well. Stir in the black grapes.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. I made 6 mini pound cake from this batter.
Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack. You will be able to remove the cake from the pan in about 10-15 minutes. Keep the cake on the wire rack and let it cool completely.

Thursday, November 29

Onion Rava Dosa..

Rava Dosa is a popular South Indian dish. It looks like thin crepes. Rava Dosas are quick to make. These crepes are prepared without fermenting. They can be served as a snack or part of a main meal. Initial days my rava dosa was terrible.. They use to be thick and never got the golden color. Slowly I learned to master it and now it is just perfect how it has to be. My hubby is not a big fan of rava upma, but thank god he atleast like rawa dosa. So here is the recipe of onion rava dosa in my way...

Semolina 1/2 cup
Rice flour 1/2 cup
Maida 1/4 cup
Ginger, finely chopped 1tbsp
Green chillies 1, chopped
Whole black pepper 2 tsp, Jeera 1tsp
Onion 1, finely chopped
Coriander leaves,chopped 1 tblsp
Curry leaves 1 sprig
Salt as needed
Oil/ghee as needed.

Cooking Method
Take all the ingredients except onion in a bowl and mix water with it. Use a egg beater for easy mixing. Keep onions aside. The batter should be very thin of running consistency.

Heat a non stick dosa pan preferably. It should be really hot. Drizzle some oil and pour the watery batter, first to form a outer circle and then fill in the centre, just one layer. Immediately top the chopped onions in a sprinkled way. Add a tsp of oil/ ghee over it. Let it cook in medium flame until the dosa browns to a golden colour. It takes some time in medium flame. If you cook in high flame you may not get the crispy dosa. So cook slowly in medium flame. Do not flip, just fold and serve hot.
Serve hot immediately with sambar and chutney the best combo.

Tuesday, November 6

Vegetable Gravy Manchurian

Vegetable Manchurian. There are two versions of Vegetable Manchurian, wet and dry. Made with generous amount of garlic and ginger and flavored with soy sauce and vinegar, the wet Vegetable Manchurian (with gravy) complements steamed white rice and is best when drizzled on a serving of steaming hot rice, fried rice or noodles. The dry Vegetable Manchurian is best served as an appetizer and is a favorite in our home.

2 cups finely chopped capsicum, cabbage, carrot, beans, 
cauliflower and spring onion whites 
2tbsps maida, 2tbsps cornflour 
1tbsp ginger-garlic finely chopped 
2 green chilli finely chopped 
1/4tsp soy sauce, 1/4tsp tomato sauce 
1/2tsp black pepper powder 
salt to taste 
oil for deep frying.

For sauce 
1/4cup spring onions, finely chopped 
1onion roughly chopped 
1 1/2tbsps finely minced garlic 
1/2tbsp finely minced ginger 
2 finely chopped green chillis 
1tbsp cornflour 
2 tsps soya sauce, 1/2 tbsp chilli sauce 
2 tsps vinegar, 2 tbsps tomato sauce 
Oil and Salt as required

Cooking Method 
Heat oil for deep frying in a heavy bottomed vessel. 
In a bowl, combine maida, cornflour, salt, ginger-garlic-green chilli, pepper, soy sauce, tomato sauce and all the finely chopped vegetables. Sprinkle little water to make a thick mixture. Add water little by little and use only as much water as required to form small balls. 
Carefully place each ball into the hot oil. Do not crowd the vessel. Reduce flame and deep fry the vegetable balls till cooked. Increase the flame towards the end of the cooking process and fry till they turn golden brown. Remove onto absorbent paper and keep aside.

Cooking Method For Sauce 
Mix cornflour in a little water. Keep aside. 
In a deep wok, add oil, when the oil is hot add garlic and ginger, fry them to golden brown 
Then add onion and green chilli and fry for 1 to 2 minutes. Now add soya sauce, tomato sauce, chilli sauce, vinegar and salt. cook them for few minutes on a high flame, then add fried Manchurian and cornflour mixture and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on low flame. Garnish with spring onion and Serve hot.

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