Showing posts with label Flour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flour. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16

Veg Burger!!

Veg Burger!! Burgers are something which I can live on my whole life. Because they are small in potion and very filling. I have tried all kinds of burger and only veg burger was left, instead of eating in some eating joints, I tried my hands on veg burger at home and It was quite good and I discovered one more thing about me that I can't eat veg burger, but my hubby love it.. I can't say this is easy recipe but it's worth trying once. This burger has everything what you need for a day and it will keep you going without feeling hungry for a long time. I don't know about other but I was quite full for a very long time!!! You can even freeze the patties for a later and use when even you want. Do try and let me know..

Ingredient's For Arranging Burger
2 nos fresh Burger buns
4 lettuce leaves
2tbsp coleslaw
2 cheese slice (optional)

Ingredient's For ColeSlaw
1 cup of shredded cabbage
1/2 cup of grated carrot
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2tbsp fresh cream
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Ingredient's For Burger Patties.
1 cup boiled vegetables (green peas, potato, cauliflower, carrot)
1 small onion (chopped)
2 cloves of crushed garlic
1tbsp maida or corn flour
1/2tsp soya sauce
1/2tsp tomato sauce
1/2 chilli flakes
Pinch of black pepper powder
1/2 cup bread crumbs
3tbsp oil (to fry the patties)
Salt to taste.

Cooking Method.
In a mixing bowl add all the coleslaw ingredients and mix them well and refrigerate the coleslaw for a later use.
Heat oil in a frying pan and sauté onions, crushed garlic till onion turns transparent.
Now add all the boiled vegetables, soya and tomato sauce, chilli flakes, pepper powder and salt. Cook for a minute or 2. Switch off the flame & let it cool. Then add the maida and mash it really well and make a thick dough.
Roll the dough on the kitchen counter and make 4 even size patty and refrigerate for a 10 to 15minutes.
Dip the patty into bread crumbs and set a aside. In a mean time. heat a little oil in a frying pan to shallow fry the patties. Cook only in low flame till they turn golden brown in both the sides. Flip it whenever needed. Remove on to a kitchen towel. Repeat the same procedure to all the patties and keep all ready.

Method for Arranging Burger.
Cut the burger buns into 2 portions. Place the lettuce leaves on the 1 portion of bun, then keep one patty. above the patty put some coleslaw, slice of cheese and lettuce. Cover it with another portion of bun.
Adjust the quantity of patties and coleslaw as per your taste. You can also keep some tomato slices & if you desire.
Serve immediately with ketchup and chips!!

Monday, January 12

Cinnamon & Dried Plums Breakfast Muffins.

Cinnamon & Dried Plums Breakfast Muffins. This is best muffins to have for breakfast with a glass milk to start a day with lots of energy, since it has all the goodness of dried plums, butter, milk etc. I'm a huge fan of muffins and I really enjoy baking them more then a cake and I bake them quite often with different ingredients. This is a full proof recipe which I follow every time and I always get a best result. Do bake and enjoy..

Yeilds: 9 medium Muffins
Preparation time: 10minutes
Baking time: 20 minutes.

1/2+1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup butter
1tsp vanilla essence
1tsp baking powder
1/3 cup sugar
1tsp cinnamon powder
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1 cup mix dried plums.

Baking Method.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line muffins tin with liners and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together the flour and baking powder and cinnamon powder. set aside. 
In a another mixing bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Add the eggs, vanilla and cream together until you get a smooth mixture.
Add the dry ingredients and dried plums, mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine. DO NOT OVERMIX! 
Make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.
Scoop the batter into your lined muffins tin, make sure it's only filled ¾ of the way up because they will rise. Bake for 20 minutes and let cool for sometime.
Serve for Breakfast with your favourite drinks.
Store them in a airtight container.

Sunday, January 4

Chicken Gyoza/ Pan Fried Chicken Dumplings/ Fried Chicken Momos.

Gyoza is the Japanese pan fried dumpling. First it is fried on one flat side to have a crispy skin and then water is added to steam cook. I can say this was the best dumpling I have ever cooked.It was awesome in taste better then a steamed or deep fried, because this dumpling had both the ways of cooking. I like it little darker in color when I fry but you can fry as you like..

Ingredients For Dough.
2 cups flour
Salt to taste
3 to 4tbsp oil for frying.

Ingredient For Filling.
1/2 kg chicken mince
1/2cup chopped spring onion
2tbsp mince ginger garlic
1cup chopped cabbage
1tsp freshly ground pepper
1tbsp soya sauce
Salt to taste
3 tbsps oil.

Cooking Method.
Mix the flour and salt to taste and add a little water at a time to make a stiff dough and set it aside for atleast 30 minutes.
In a large mixing bowl, add all the filling ingredients and mix them nicely.
Then divide the dough into equal-sized balls and roll into very thin circles of roughly 4" diameter.
Put a tablespoon-full of filling mixture in the center of each circle. Fold the edges over the mixture and pinch and twist to seal or fold the dumplings in half (into a semi-circular shape) and pinch the edges shut. Get as creative as you like with shapes, as long as you make sure to seal the edges well. 
Heat a thick frying pan and add 1tbsp oil, Place the dumplings on to frying pan and fry for 4 to 5minutes. Then add 1/2cup of water and close the lid and steam for another 7 to 8minutes or till the water is observed completely (in a low flame)
Serve hot hot with tomato sauce.

Tuesday, October 21

Namak paare/Dimond Cut. Happy Diwali.

Happy Diwali to all my blog readers and my friends. This year I would not be celebrating diwali and that is the main reason I have not prepared anything much. Actually I had no plan to cook anything at all, But the moment I open my FB page I see lots of different types of sweets and savoury dishes pictures and that tempted me to at least cook something savoury items and store them for later.. I know this will be very much in use once the cold weather starts and the good thing with this snacks is you can store them for more then 2 to 3 months. This namak paare goes very well with ginger tea. Have a great fun friends and enjoy your Diwali with your family and friends.

1/2kg maida ( all purpose flour)
1/2tsp ajwain (Caron seeds)
1/4tsp kalonji (samal fennel)
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying.

Cooking Method.
Make a firm dough with the maida, salt, ajwain and kalonji, by adding water and set it aside for atleast 30 minutes.
In mean time keep oil for heating in a deep frying pan on a medium flame.
Take a lemon size ball from a dough and roll into a disc neither to thick nor to thin.
With a sharp knife make a criss cross cuts on disc.
Fry them to golden brown and take out the namak paare onto a papper towel to remove the excess oil.
Once they are cool completely. Store them in a airtight container.
Serve with Tea.

Friday, June 13

Almond Biscotti.

Almond Biscotti. I have tired baking this in India also many times but when I baked the same biscotti again here I don't know some how they taste better and they look better may be because of the different oven. My hubby surprised me by finishing it all in 2days even I ate more then 3 and it was tasting awesome. He was telling me that I have wasted so much of money buying cookies, biscuits from outside, this taste better then that and I would love to have this in my lunch box as a evening snacks... Omg I was on the could nine when he told me that because it is little hard to convince my H when it comes to food.. This yummy and crunchy biscotti which goes very well with tea or a coffee..

2 cups of plain flour
2 large eggs
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1tsp baking powder
1tsp vanilla essence
1tsp orange zest
3/4 cup roasted alomnds
1/2 cup black raisin.

Baking Method.
Pre-heat the oven 180c for 10 minutes.
In a mixing bowl add flour and baking powder and mix them nicely. roughly chop the alomonds and mix it with flour and set it aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add butter and sugar beat untill light and fluffy.
Add the eggs, vanilla essence and orange zest beat for another 2 to 3minutes
Then mix in the dry ingredients and beat untill the dry ingredients are well mixed.

On a lightly floured surface roll dough into a log about 14 inches long and 3-4 inches wide. Transfer to baking tray and bake for 30-40 mins. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack for 10 mins.
Then cut into slices 1/2 inch thick diagonally and arrange evenly on baking tray. Bake for 10 mins on each side (until they are firm). Remove from oven and cool.
Store them into airtight container.

Friday, January 10

Nippattu.. A Spicy And Crunchy Snacks.

I think now this is the right time for me to take few days break from my blogging. As I have a very special thing to do in my life and which is going to change my life forever... I know you all must be thinking what it is. But I'm not going to disclose it now, you all will know very soon, even I'm also waiting desperately to give this news.. Every morning I get up by thinking that from today my holiday will start but it is getting postponed everytime, so I decided what ever happens, from today only my holiday is going to start... Now enough of this hiding business lets come to recipe :)

Nippattu.. This is one of the very famous snacks in South Indian, in every kannadiga families this is must on Ganesh festival. This was there in my to do list from ages and kept delaying to cook and as you all know tomorrow never comes, so I have given a small suggestion to myself that if I have to cook something I should cook it on the same day and never put it on my TO DO LIST. You can serve them with tea or a coffee and they even make very good time pass snacks while travelling..

1/2 cup rice flour
1 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tbsp fine sooji (rava)
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1/4 tsp asafoetida (hing)
10 curry leaves (finely chopped)
1tsp red chilli flakes
2 tbsp dry roasted peanuts
2 tbsp soak channa dal
Salt to taste
2 tsp oil
Water as req to make stif dough
Oil for deep frying.

Cooking Method.
Prepare the mixture by adding rice flour, all purpose flour, chilli powder, sooji, asafoetida, peanuts, channa dal, curry leaves, chilli flakes and salt. Mix all together nicely.
Heat 2tsp oil and add it to the above mixture of flour and nuts. Keep aside for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then, add water little by little to make it a medium density dough.
Divide the dough into 12 or 24 pieces to make the Nippatu.
In a deep frying pan. Heat the oil on a medium heat.

Take the dough, make it into a small ball, then press it onto your palm to make a circle or you can also roll it on parchment paper (make sure you have greased the parchment paper first).
Once the oil is hot enough (check by adding a little dough to the oil, the dough has to come up immediately), add the flattened (Nippatu), one by one.
Fry it until it turns golden brown color on both sides.
Nippattu is ready.
Store them in a airtight container and Serve with hot cup of tea or coffee.

Thursday, January 2

Basic Sponge Cake/ Vanilla Sponge Cake.

Happy New Year 2014 to all my readers and blogger friends.. I know i'm 1 day late to wish you all, what to do I was very lazy for 2 weeks because of my hubby's holidays and was not feeling like posting or doing anything.. Last 2 weeks it was like a honeymoon period for me, not much to cook or do household work, was just shopping, eating outside and roaming and for him also it was the best time to rest after a very hectic work schedule. This was the best new year I had after very very long time... Actually I had feeling that I would be doing this only once his holidays starts, because of that only I had baked this cake before and took the pictures, so when I bake it again on new year I don't have to take the pictures.. The cake had turnout very tasty and soft. I serve it with some whipped cream and fruits you can serve as you like..

1 cup all purpose flour
1tsp baking powder
2/3 cup melted butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup milk
1tsp lemon zest
1tsp lemon juice.

Baking Method.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Butter the round baking pan and keep it aside.
Stir together the flour and baking powder in a large bowl, set it aside.
Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Add the melted butter and blend for another 1minute. Add the milk and vanilla essence in a small bowl and mix it well, then add it to the egg mixture and blend for another 30 to 40sec.

Add the dry ingredients and with the speed on low mix together slowly by making sure not to over mix. Mix everything with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.

Pour the batter into buttered pan and bake for 30 to 31minutes. Allow it cool before taking out from the pan, then cut and sprinkle some icing sugar on top.
Serve as you like..

Wednesday, December 25

Plum Cake.. Merry Christmas 2013.

Plum Cake - I had got all the ingredient's well before 1 week and had kept on kitchen slab last night to make sure that I don't forget to bake it today morning. It was a long pending ToDo in my list during X'mas and due to one or the other reason it was always missed... Whole night I was dreaming about the cake only and could not sleep for a very long time.As soon as I woke up, ran to kitchen and started baking the cake so that I can take the picture when the sun is still bright(Sun light always brings best pictures). If I would have got late then I would have not got so good pictures.. Here the sun is so unpredictable and I don't get enough time to relax and do the work. That is the main reason I have to finish my blog work before noon. Any ways all this part of life I am learning to go with flow.. Merry Christmas to everyone enjoy your day to the fullest...

3/4 cup all purpose flour
2+1/2tbsp cocoa powder
1tsp baking powder
1/2tbsp instant coffee
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup milk
1 cup mix berry's, nuts and tutti frutti.

Baking Method.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Butter the square baking pan and keep it aside.
Stir together the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder in a large bowl, set it aside.
Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Add the egg and blend for another 1minute. Add the milk, coffee and vanilla essence in a small bowl and mix it well, then add it to the egg mixture and blend for another 30 to 40sec.

Add the dry ingredients and with the speed on low mix together slowly by making sure not to over mix. Then add the berry's, nuts and tutti frutti and mix everything with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.

Pour the batter into buttered pan and bake for 30 to 31minutes. Allow it cool before taking out from the pan, then cut and sprinkle some icing sugar on top.
Serve as you like..

Thursday, December 19

Choco Walnut Tea Cake..

Choco Walnut Tea Cake...I had bought a bottle of drinking chocolate few days back and in the starting we both use to drink every second day. After a while we felt bore and stopped completely and I forgot about it.. While I was cleaning my kitchen, found that bottle and was not having idea what to do with it.. Then suddenly my mind strike, why don't I bake muffins and that's how I ended up making Tea Cake... I have used drinking chocolate instead of cocoa powder in this cake to try out different recipe and I must say this was worth of trying and it came out very well, Though it was bit dry according to me but it was going very well with whipped cream on top and cup of tea...

Then after some days I had baked this cake again by adding more milk and it turn out very soft and moist. This recipe is for the cake which I baked second time, so no need to worry if you run out of cocoa powder at home and you have drinking chocolate which is not being used for some reason this is the best recipe to use that drinking chocolate..

1/2cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup drinking chocolate powder 
1tsp baking powder 
1/2 cup milk
1tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup white sugar
1egg, room temperature
1/4 cup chopped walnuts.

Baking Method.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Butter the flat square baking pan or loaf pan and keep it aside.
Stir together the flour, baking powder, drinking chocolate powder in a large bowl, set it aside.
Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer in a large bowl until light and fluffy. The mixture should be noticeably lighter in color. Add the egg and blend for another 1minute.
Add the dry ingredients and with the speed on low mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine, making sure not to over mix. Then add the chopped walnuts and make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn't mixed.

Pour the batter into buttered pan and bake for 30 to 35minutes. Allow it cool before taking out from the pan, then cut into square shape and sprinkle some icing sugar on top.
Serve with Tea or Coffee.

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