Friday, February 5

Baigan-Aaloo Sabji (Brinjal and Potato)

After coming to Korea along with my husband on a business trip the thing which i missed most was Indian tasty food :(, certainly kimchi and other korean delicious dishes were not meant for me..So i decided to write blogs of my food receipe's which may be helpful to friends and family living abroad and miss home food.
With the no idea of blogging and website creation, i landed up on blogspot and spent 1 week of initial effort to learn all together technology and finally come up with interesting to share with people.. In this whole process my husband had been very lucky to try all my delicious and wonderful food. so people read my recipe's and share's your's..

2 brinjal, 2 potato
1 onion, 1 tomato, 2 green chilly and coriander leafs
1tbs of Sabji Masala (any brand like Everest,MDH..)
1tbs chilly powder, 1tbs turmeric, 1tbs garam masala(optional)
oil and salt

Cooking Steps
Cut the brinjal, potato in medium size pieces, chop the onion,chilly and tomato in to small pieces. heat up the oil in frying pan. saute onion, green chilly and coriander leafs for 3min. Add brinjal, potato and salt then fry for 5sec. add the sabji masala,tomato, and 1cup of water fry to 2mints. add salt, cover the lid and cook till it is completely dry. baigan and aaloo sabji is ready to serve .


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